In North Texas, dealing with intimidating landscape drainage problems requires a solution that goes beyond relying solely on gravity. When heavy rainfall and insufficient drainage lead to excessive water accumulation, the resulting damage to your home and property can be expensive and occur rapidly. To effectively address this issue, we specialize in the installation of exterior sump pumps when gravity is not an option to evacuate water naturally. In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of these pumps and how they provide the power needed to swiftly remove unwanted water.

Exterior Sump Pump: Knowing When to Use It

Exterior Sump Pump

In landscape drainage solutions, exterior sump pumps and tanks play a vital role in redirecting excessive water to the desired discharge point. However, there are specific situations where the installation of an outdoor sump pump becomes essential. At Lee Sprinkler, Drainage, and Foundation Preservation, we prioritize the implementation of exterior sump pumps under the following circumstances:

1. Subsurface Water Trapped: When groundwater gets trapped in the subsoil, and achieving sufficient elevation becomes impractical, an exterior sump pump becomes necessary for effective water removal.

2. Pooling Surface Water: If surface water accumulates and achieving adequate elevation proves challenging, the installation of an exterior sump pump becomes a viable solution to prevent water damage.

Lee Sprinkler, Drainage, and Foundation Preservation vs. “Chuck with a Truck”

When it comes to sump tanks for landscaping purposes, many contractors opt for off-the-shelf options available at popular building supply stores like Home Depot, Lowes, or ACE Hardware. However, these retail-sourced sump tanks often fall short in terms of performance and reliability. They typically feature low horsepower, are limited in size (around 36 to 40 inches deep), and offer restricted capacity (approximately 30 to 50 gallons at most). Additionally, landscapers commonly pair these undersized sump tanks with inadequate sump pumps and flexible piping, increasing the likelihood of system failure.

At Lee Sprinkler, Drainage, and Foundation Preservation, we’ve witnessed numerous instances of improperly installed sump pumps by landscape crews. For instance, we frequently come across sump pumps plugged into outlets without Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection, posing risks to both the home and the entire system.

Choosing the Right Sump Pump: Lee Sprinkler, Drainage, and Foundation Preservation Approach

Right Sump Pump

For over five decades, Lee Sprinkler, Drainage, and Foundation Preservation have been dedicated to installing durable and tailored drainage solutions. When it comes to selecting the ideal sump pump for each project, we follow a meticulous process to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Here’s how we make our choices.

  • Calculating Water Volume: We employ precise calculations to estimate the expected water volume and account for high-flow periods. This allows us to determine the appropriate capacity needed for the sump pump to handle the demand effectively.
  • Accommodating Flow Rates: To ensure the sump pump operates as intended, it must be capable of evacuating water from the sump tank (or basin) at a faster rate than water flows into it. This consideration is crucial in preventing water accumulation and maintaining proper drainage.

Proper Sump Pump Sizing by Lee Sprinkler, Drainage, and Foundation Preservation

At Lee Sprinkler, Drainage, and Foundation Preservation, the sump tanks we install typically have a depth ranging from 6 to 8 feet and a minimum diameter of 18 inches. Our drainage solutions incorporate sump pumps with a discharge size of 2 inches and power ratings between 4 and 10 horsepower. The specific pump and tank combination we select depends on the volume of water that needs to be efficiently transported to the discharge point.

Lee Sprinkler, Drainage, and Foundation Preservation Reliable Sump Tanks and Pumps

At Lee Sprinkler, Drainage, and Foundation Preservation, we prioritize durability and functionality when it comes to our sump tanks and pumps. Here are the key features and differences that set us apart:

  • Concrete Bottom for Stability: Our sump tanks are designed with a concrete bottom, providing a secure and stable surface for the sump pump to rest on. This not only ensures the pump’s stability, but also facilitates easy cleaning and maintenance, contributing to the longevity of the sump pump.
  • Flexibility in Installation: Depending on the specific requirements of each project, we offer options for both exposed and fully buried sump tanks. This allows us to adapt to different landscapes and drainage needs, providing tailored solutions.

One of the most significant distinctions between Lee Sprinkler, Drainage, and Foundation Preservation sump pumps, and those installed by landscapers lies in electrical safety. Our sump pumps are either hard-wired directly to the electrical hose panel or hard-wired to a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) plug. This meticulous wiring ensures protection against electrocution, potential fires, and system failures.

Conclusion :

When it comes to sump pump and tank combinations, it’s important to recognize that there is no universal solution. Don’t waste your hard-earned money on subpar work that jeopardizes the safety of your loved ones and your valuable investment.

If you’re uncertain about the most suitable drainage solution for your property, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team of drainage experts at Lee Sprinkler, Drainage, and Foundation Preservation is here to assist you. Schedule a consultation today by contacting our office at 817-277-6022. We’ll provide the guidance you need to make an informed decision and ensure the optimal protection of your property.